8 Using Docker

This section describes how to install docker on your local computer and run workshop exercises from within a docker container.

All docker images maintained by the UW-GAC are here: https://hub.docker.com/u/uwgac/

Our git repository contains code for building the images: https://github.com/UW-GAC/docker

8.1 Prerequisites

The following software is required on your local computer or laptop:

  • git
  • Python 2.7.11+
  • Docker engine (aka docker)

For Mac computers, installing docker is fairly straight forward. Follow the Docker instructions at the url https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/

For Windows 10 computers, installing docker requires enabling Hyper-V in Windows and enabling virtualization in the bios. Follow the Docker instructions at the url https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/

8.2 General Steps

The general steps for running RStudio using the docker images are as follows:

  1. Download the docker image
  2. Create a working directory and cd to it
  3. Download the docker helper scripts
  4. Running RStudio server in the docker image
  5. Connect to the RStudio server using the local browser

8.2.1 Download the Docker Image

After docker has been installed, download the TOPMed RStudio docker image uwgac/topmed-rstudio. For example:

docker pull uwgac/topmed-rstudio

This step only has to be done once. The image will be stored persistently on the computer.

8.2.2 Create Working Directory

Create a working directory and cd to it. For example,

mkdir ~/workshop_2018
cd ~/workshop_2018

This step only has to be done once.

8.2.3 Download the docker helper functions

Using git, download the docker help functions and create an alias to the helper function Rstudio_docker.py. For example,

mkdir ~/workshop_2018
cd ~/workshop_2018
git clone https://github.com/uw-gac/docker_helpers
alias rs_docker='~/workshop_2018/docker_helpers/Rstudio_docker.py'

This step also only has to be done once.

8.2.4 Running RStudio

Run RStudio server within a docker container in the background (or detached) using the helper function Rstudio_docker.py (e.g., using the previously defined alias). This enables a browser on a local computer to start an RStudio session.

The RStudio session has the following characteristics and attributes: 1. The user name and password is rstudio 2. The current working directory of the RStudio session is /home/rstudio 3. By default the current working directory in the RStudio session is mapped to the current working directory of the local computer

The general command syntax is:

rs_docker [options]

Execute rs_docker --help for more details.

8.3 Examples

8.3.1 Example 1

mkdir ~/workshop_2018
cd ~/workshop_2018
git clone https://github.com/uw-gac/docker_helpers
alias rs_docker='~/workshop_2018/docker_helpers/Rstudio_docker.py'

The example above runs RStudio server in the background in the container named rstudio. The current working directory, ~/workshop_2018/, will be mapped to /home/rstudio in the docker container.

In the local computer’s browser, the following URL will create an RStudio session:


The current working directory in the R session is /home/rstudio which is also mapped to the local computer’s directory ~/workshop_2018/.

8.3.2 Example 2

rs_docker -i -p 8080

The example above runs RStudio server in the background in the container named rstudio. In a local computer’s browser, the following URL will create an RStudio session:

8.3.3 Example 3

rs_docker -C kill

The example above kills the background docker container named rstudio.