6 Association tests - Solutions

  1. Logistic regression: fitNullModel can use a binary phenotype as the outcome variable by specifying the argument family=binomial. Use the status column in the sample annotation to fit a null model for simulated case/control status, with sex and Population as covariates. Then run a single-variant test using this model.
nullmod.status <- fitNullModel(annot, outcome="status", covars=c("sex", "Population"), 
                               family=binomial, verbose=FALSE)
resetIterator(iterator, verbose=FALSE)
assoc <- assocTestSingle(iterator, nullmod.status, test="Score")
## # of selected samples: 1,126
##   variant.id chr     pos allele.index n.obs         freq MAC       Score
## 1          1   1  970546            1  1126 0.0039964476   9  0.20256722
## 2          2   1  985900            1  1126 0.0492895204 111 -2.64169956
## 3          3   1 1025045            1  1126 0.0004440497   1 -0.09916904
## 4          4   1 1265550            1  1126 0.0008880995   2  0.81717324
## 5          5   1 1472676            1  1126 0.0071047957  16  0.64418361
## 6          6   1 1735725            1  1126 0.0022202487   5 -0.46319177
##    Score.SE Score.Stat Score.pval        Est    Est.SE          PVE
## 1 0.8351783  0.2425437 0.80835892  0.2904095 1.1973491 5.242118e-05
## 2 2.6522412 -0.9960254 0.31923781 -0.3755410 0.3770396 8.840314e-04
## 3 0.2972472 -0.3336248 0.73866267 -1.1223819 3.3642035 9.918446e-05
## 4 0.4033577  2.0259271 0.04277226  5.0226565 2.4791892 3.657417e-03
## 5 1.0778277  0.5976685 0.55006117  0.5545121 0.9277921 3.183080e-04
## 6 0.6396675 -0.7241134 0.46899613 -1.1320153 1.5633123 4.672400e-04
  1. Inverse normal transform: use the function nullModelInvNorm to perform an inverse normal transform on the height variable. Compare these residuals with the residuals from the original null model.
nullmod.norm <- nullModelInvNorm(nullmod, verbose=FALSE)

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## -38.9394  -7.6295  -0.1089   0.0000   8.0824  44.6166
##       Min.    1st Qu.     Median       Mean    3rd Qu.       Max. 
## -3.0075251 -0.6717166 -0.0000291  0.0000000  0.6751482  3.0032466
  1. Repeat the previous exercise on logistic regression, this time running a sliding-window test.
nullmod.status <- fitNullModel(annot, outcome="status", covars=c("sex", "Population"), 
                               family=binomial, verbose=FALSE)
seqResetFilter(seqData, verbose=FALSE)
iterator <- SeqVarWindowIterator(seqData, windowSize=5000, windowShift=2000, verbose=FALSE)
assoc <- assocTestAggregate(iterator, nullmod, test="SKAT", AF.max=0.1, weight.beta=c(1,25))
## # of selected samples: 1,126
##   chr   start     end n.site n.alt n.sample.alt          Q        pval err
## 1   1  966001  971000      1     9            9   7.318095 0.643988693   0
## 2   1  982001  987000      1   111          107 154.178289 0.058811535   0
## 3   1 1022001 1027000      1     1            1  47.823918 0.005504472   0
## 4   1 1262001 1267000      1     2            2   7.319239 0.308472744   0
## 5   1 1468001 1473000      1    16           16  58.518665 0.293504065   0
## 6   1 1732001 1737000      1     5            5   9.499539 0.509868790   0
##   pval.method
## 1 integration
## 2 integration
## 3 integration
## 4 integration
## 5 integration
## 6 integration