4 Association tests - Part I

These exercises introduce genetic association testing: how to identify which genetic variants are associated with a phenotype. In this example, we will test for an association between variant genotypes and height, adjusting for sex, age, and study. Here, we introduce fitting the “null model” and single-variant association testing, as is commonly performed in GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies).

4.1 Null model

The first step in our association testing procedure is to fit the null model – i.e., a model fit under the null hypothesis of no individual variant association. Operationally, this is fitting a regression model with the desired outcome phenotype, fixed effect covariates, and random effects.

4.1.1 Prepare the data

To fit the null model, we will need to create an AnnotatedDataFrame with sample information and phenotype data; this class is defined in the Biobase package. We will merge our sample annotation file, which is indexed by a sample.id column matched to the GDS file, with our phenotype file, which is indexed by a subject_id column. We will use the dplyr package for data.frame manipulation.

NOTE: In this example, we use the 1000 Genomes IDs for both sample and subject IDs, though we would generally advise using separate IDs for samples (sequencing instances) and subjects (individuals).

# sample annotation
repo_path <- "https://github.com/UW-GAC/SISG_2021/raw/master"
if (!dir.exists("data")) dir.create("data")
sampfile <- "data/sample_annotation.RData"
if (!file.exists(sampfile)) download.file(file.path(repo_path, sampfile), sampfile)
samp <- get(load(sampfile))

# access the data with the pData() function
##   sample.id subject.id Population          Population.Description sex status
## 1   HG00096    HG00096        GBR British in England and Scotland   M      0
## 2   HG00097    HG00097        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      1
## 3   HG00099    HG00099        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      0
## 4   HG00100    HG00100        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      1
## 5   HG00101    HG00101        GBR British in England and Scotland   M      0
## 6   HG00102    HG00102        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      0
# access the metadata with the varMetadata() function
##                                     labelDescription
## sample.id                          sample identifier
## subject.id                        subject identifier
## Population                   population abbreviation
## Population.Description        population description
## sex                                              sex
## status                 simulated case/control status
# phenotype data
phenfile <- "data/phenotype_annotation.RData"
if (!file.exists(phenfile)) download.file(file.path(repo_path, phenfile), phenfile)
phen <- get(load(phenfile))

# access the data with the pData() function
##   subject_id sex age height   study
## 1    HG00096   M  47  165.3 study_1
## 2    HG00102   F  49  169.1 study_1
## 3    HG00112   M  46  167.9 study_1
## 4    HG00114   M  49  169.5 study_1
## 5    HG00115   M  35  161.1 study_1
## 6    HG00116   M  37  182.2 study_1
# access the metadata with the varMetadata() function
##                        labelDescription
## subject_id           subject identifier
## sex                       subject's sex
## age        age at measurement of height
## height           subject's height in cm
## study                  study identifier
# merge sample annotation with phenotype data
dat <- pData(samp) %>%
    left_join(pData(phen), by=c("subject.id"="subject_id", "sex"="sex"))
##   sample.id subject.id Population          Population.Description sex status age  height   study
## 1   HG00096    HG00096        GBR British in England and Scotland   M      0  47 165.300 study_1
## 2   HG00097    HG00097        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      1  47 144.780 study_3
## 3   HG00099    HG00099        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      0  40 185.500 study_2
## 4   HG00100    HG00100        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      1  45 150.622 study_3
## 5   HG00101    HG00101        GBR British in England and Scotland   M      0  40 177.800 study_3
## 6   HG00102    HG00102        GBR British in England and Scotland   F      0  49 169.100 study_1
# merge the metadata
meta <- bind_rows(varMetadata(samp), varMetadata(phen)[3:5,,drop=FALSE])

# make an AnnotatedDataFrame
annot <- AnnotatedDataFrame(dat, meta)
save(annot, file="data/sample_phenotype_annotation.RData")

4.1.2 Fit the null model

We use the fitNullModel function from the GENESIS package to fit the null model. We need to specify the outcome (height) and the fixed effect covariates (sex, age, and study). If the sample set involves multiple distinct groups with different variances for the phenotype, we recommend allowing for heterogeneous residual variance among groups with the group.var parameter. We saw in a previous exercise that the variance of height differs by study.


# fit the null model
nullmod <- fitNullModel(annot, 
                        covars=c("sex", "age", "study"), 
save(nullmod, file="data/null_model.RData")

The fitNullModel function returns a lot of information about the model that was fit. We examine some of that information below; to see all of the components, try names(nullmod).

# description of the model we fit
## $hetResid
## [1] TRUE
## $family
## Family: gaussian 
## Link function: identity 
## $outcome
## [1] "height"
## $covars
## [1] "sex"   "age"   "study"
## $formula
## [1] "height ~ sex + age + study + var(study)"
# fixed effect regression estimates
##                       Est         SE        Stat         pval
## (Intercept)  163.67175933 3.18936046 2633.542247 0.000000e+00
## sexM           6.28764509 0.68812251   83.491932 6.397653e-20
## age            0.07519782 0.06921691    1.180283 2.772984e-01
## studystudy_2  10.63152325 0.82176939  167.375182 2.769992e-38
## studystudy_3  -8.96183691 0.84479021  112.537257 2.724959e-26
# residual variance estimates by group.var
## V_study_1 V_study_3 V_study_2 
##  98.20191 168.82044 155.70722
# model fit: fitted values, residuals
##         outcome workingY fitted.values resid.marginal    resid.PY resid.cholesky sample.id
## HG00096 165.300  165.300      173.4937      -8.193702 -0.08343729     -0.8268376   HG00096
## HG00097 144.780  144.780      158.2442     -13.464220 -0.07975468     -1.0362599   HG00097
## HG00099 185.500  185.500      177.3112       8.188805  0.05259104      0.6562452   HG00099
## HG00100 150.622  150.622      158.0938      -7.471824 -0.04425900     -0.5750613   HG00100
## HG00101 177.800  177.800      164.0055      13.794520  0.08171119      1.0616810   HG00101
## HG00102 169.100  169.100      167.3565       1.743547  0.01775472      0.1759437   HG00102
# plot the residuals vs the fitted values
ggplot(nullmod$fit, aes(x = fitted.values, y = resid.marginal)) + 
    geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + 
    geom_smooth(method = 'lm')

4.2 Exercise

  1. As discussed in the lecture, we recommend a fully adjusted two-stage inverse Normalization procedure for fitting the null model when phenotypes have non-Normal distributions. Using the two.stage option in fitNullModel, fit a two-stage null model. Compare these residuals with the residuals from the original null model.

4.3 Solution

  1. As discussed in the lecture, we recommend a fully adjusted two-stage inverse Normalization procedure for fitting the null model when phenotypes have non-Normal distributions. Using the two.stage option in fitNullModel, fit a two-stage null model. Compare these residuals with the residuals from the original null model.

To run the fully adjusted two.stage null model, we simply set the two.stage option to TRUE. The norm.option parameter determines if the inverse Normalization should be done with all samples together ("all") or within each group.var group separately ("by.group").

nullmod.twostage <- fitNullModel(annot, 
                                 covars=c("sex", "age", "study"), 
                                 two.stage = TRUE,
                                 norm.option = "all",
save(nullmod.twostage, file="data/null_model_two_stage.RData")

# description of the model we fit
## $hetResid
## [1] TRUE
## $family
## Family: gaussian 
## Link function: identity 
## $outcome
## [1] "height"
## $covars
## [1] "sex"   "age"   "study"
## $formula
## [1] "rankInvNorm(resid(height)) ~ sex + age + study + var(study)"
# compare the marginal residuals

# merge the data for plotting
pdat <- merge(nullmod$fit, nullmod.twostage$fit, 
              by = 'sample.id', suffixes = c('.orig', '.twostage'))
pdat <- merge(pdat, pData(annot), by = 'sample.id')

# distribution of residuals - original null model
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = resid.marginal.orig)) + 
    geom_density(aes(color = study)) + 
    geom_density(size = 2)

# distribution of residuals - two stage null model
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = resid.marginal.twostage)) + 
    geom_density(aes(color = study)) + 
    geom_density(size = 2)

# compare residuals
ggplot(pdat, aes(x = resid.marginal.orig, y = resid.marginal.twostage, color = study)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

There is not much difference in the residual here because the distribution of height is not far from Normal to begin. See Sofer et al. for more information on the fully adjusted two-stage model.

4.4 Single-variant association tests

After fitting our null model, we can use score tests to test each variant across the genome individually for association with the outcome phenotype (i.e. height in our example). Performing these single-variant tests genome-wide is commonly referred to as a GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Study).

We use the assocTestSingle function in GENESIS. First, we have to create a SeqVarData object including both the GDS file and the sample annotation containing phenotype data. We then create a SeqVarBlockIterator object, which breaks the set of all variants in the SeqVarData object into blocks, allowing us to analyze genome-wide in manageable pieces. The assocTestSingle function iterates over all blocks of variants in the SeqVarBlockIterator object and then concatenates and returns the results.

gdsfile <- "data/1KG_phase3_subset_chr1.gds"
if (!file.exists(gdsfile)) download.file(file.path(repo_path, gdsfile), gdsfile)
gdsfmt::showfile.gds(closeall=TRUE) # make sure file is not already open
gds <- seqOpen(gdsfile)

# make the seqVarData object
seqData <- SeqVarData(gds, sampleData=annot)

# make the iterator object
iterator <- SeqVarBlockIterator(seqData, verbose=FALSE)
## SeqVarBlockIterator object; on iteration 1 of 1 
##  | GDS:
## File: /Users/mconomos/Documents/SISG_2021/data/1KG_phase3_subset_chr1.gds (70.5K)
## +    [  ] *
## |--+ description   [  ] *
## |--+ sample.id   { Str8 1126 LZMA_ra(9.66%), 877B } *
## |--+ variant.id   { Int32 1120 LZMA_ra(17.5%), 793B } *
## |--+ position   { Int32 1120 LZMA_ra(78.5%), 3.4K } *
## |--+ chromosome   { Str8 1120 LZMA_ra(4.55%), 109B } *
## |--+ allele   { Str8 1120 LZMA_ra(26.0%), 1.2K } *
## |--+ genotype   [  ] *
## |  |--+ data   { Bit2 2x1126x1121 LZMA_ra(8.34%), 51.4K } *
## |  |--+ extra.index   { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
## |  \--+ extra   { Int16 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
## |--+ phase   [  ]
## |  |--+ data   { Bit1 1126x1120 LZMA_ra(0.11%), 177B } *
## |  |--+ extra.index   { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } *
## |  \--+ extra   { Bit1 0 LZMA_ra, 18B }
## |--+ annotation   [  ]
## |  |--+ id   { Str8 1120 LZMA_ra(40.4%), 3.6K } *
## |  |--+ qual   { Float32 1120 LZMA_ra(2.46%), 117B } *
## |  |--+ filter   { Int32,factor 1120 LZMA_ra(2.46%), 117B } *
## |  |--+ info   [  ]
## |  \--+ format   [  ]
## \--+ sample.annotation   [  ]
##  | sampleData:
## An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
##   rowNames: 1 2 ... 1126 (1126 total)
##   varLabels: sample.id subject.id ... study (9 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
##  | variantData:
## An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame': none
# run the single-variant association test
assoc <- assocTestSingle(iterator, nullmod)
## # of selected samples: 1,126
## [1] 1129   14
##   variant.id chr     pos allele.index n.obs         freq MAC      Score  Score.SE Score.Stat  Score.pval        Est   Est.SE          PVE
## 1          1   1  970546            1  1126 0.0039964476   9 -0.1191236 0.2577712 -0.4621292 0.643988693  -1.792788 3.879410 0.0001905115
## 2          2   1  985900            1  1126 0.0492895204 111 -1.6707553 0.8841849 -1.8895996 0.058811535  -2.137109 1.130985 0.0031851797
## 3          3   1 1025045            1  1126 0.0004440497   1 -0.2795838 0.1007173 -2.7759261 0.005504472 -27.561563 9.928781 0.0068740102
## 4          4   1 1265550            1  1126 0.0008880995   2 -0.1105487 0.1085480 -1.0184319 0.308472744  -9.382319 9.212515 0.0009252485
## 5          5   1 1472676            1  1126 0.0071047957  16  0.3630992 0.3456555  1.0504657 0.293504065   3.039054 2.893054 0.0009843694
## 6          6   1 1735725            1  1126 0.0022202487   5 -0.1300405 0.1973175 -0.6590420 0.509868790  -3.340007 5.067973 0.0003874544

We make a QQ plot to examine the results.

qqPlot <- function(pval) {
    pval <- pval[!is.na(pval)]
    n <- length(pval)
    x <- 1:n
    dat <- data.frame(obs=sort(pval),
                      upper=qbeta(0.025, x, rev(x)),
                      lower=qbeta(0.975, x, rev(x)))
    ggplot(dat, aes(-log10(exp), -log10(obs))) +
        geom_line(aes(-log10(exp), -log10(upper)), color="gray") +
        geom_line(aes(-log10(exp), -log10(lower)), color="gray") +
        geom_point() +
        geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, color="red") +
        xlab(expression(paste(-log[10], "(expected P)"))) +
        ylab(expression(paste(-log[10], "(observed P)"))) +


A lot of the variants we tested are very rare – the alternate allele is not observed for many samples. Single-variant tests do not perform well for very rare variants (we will discuss testing rare variants in more detail in the next session). We can use the minor allele count (MAC) observed in the sample to filter rare variants that we may expect to have unreliable test results.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    1.00    1.00    3.00   86.62   30.00 1123.00
sum(assoc$MAC < 5)
## [1] 619
qqPlot(assoc$Score.pval[assoc$MAC >= 5])

We should expect the majority of variants to fall near the red y=x line in the QQ plot. The deviation above the line, commonly referred to as “inflation” is indicative of some model issue. In this example, the issue is likely driven by the fact that we’ve ignored genetic ancestry and relatedness among these subjects – more to come later when we discuss mixed models.

4.5 Exercise

  1. GENESIS also supports testing binary (e.g. case/control) outcomes. We can fit a null model using logistic regression by specifying the argument family=binomial in the fitNullModel function. Use the status column in the sample annotation to fit a null model for simulated case/control status, with sex and Population as covariates. Run single-variant association tests using this model and make a QQ plot of all variants with MAC >= 5.

4.6 Solution

  1. GENESIS also supports testing binary (e.g. case/control) outcomes. We can fit a null model using logistic regression by specifying the argument family=binomial in the fitNullModel function. Use the status column in the sample annotation to fit a null model for simulated case/control status, with sex and Population as covariates. Run single-variant association tests using this model and make a QQ plot of all variants with MAC >= 5.

When testing binary outcomes, we should fit our null model using logistic regression. To do so, we simply set the argument family=binomial in fitNullModel. Note that the parameter group.var is no longer relevant here, as the logistic model specifies the mean-variance relationship.

# fit the null model with logistic regression
nullmod.status <- fitNullModel(annot, 
                               covars=c("sex", "Population"), 

resetIterator(iterator, verbose=FALSE)
# run the single-variant association test
assoc.status <- assocTestSingle(iterator, nullmod.status, test="Score")
## # of selected samples: 1,126
## [1] 1129   14
##   variant.id chr     pos allele.index n.obs         freq MAC       Score  Score.SE Score.Stat Score.pval        Est    Est.SE          PVE
## 1          1   1  970546            1  1126 0.0039964476   9  0.20256722 0.8351783  0.2425437 0.80835892  0.2904095 1.1973491 5.242118e-05
## 2          2   1  985900            1  1126 0.0492895204 111 -2.64169956 2.6522412 -0.9960254 0.31923781 -0.3755410 0.3770396 8.840314e-04
## 3          3   1 1025045            1  1126 0.0004440497   1 -0.09916904 0.2972472 -0.3336248 0.73866267 -1.1223819 3.3642035 9.918446e-05
## 4          4   1 1265550            1  1126 0.0008880995   2  0.81717324 0.4033577  2.0259271 0.04277226  5.0226565 2.4791892 3.657417e-03
## 5          5   1 1472676            1  1126 0.0071047957  16  0.64418361 1.0778277  0.5976685 0.55006117  0.5545121 0.9277921 3.183080e-04
## 6          6   1 1735725            1  1126 0.0022202487   5 -0.46319177 0.6396675 -0.7241134 0.46899613 -1.1320153 1.5633123 4.672400e-04
# make a QQ plot
qqPlot(assoc.status$Score.pval[assoc.status$MAC >= 5])

Extra: in samples with highly imbalanced case:control ratios, the Score test can perform poorly for low frequency variants. Saddlepoint approximation (SPA) can be used to improve p-value calculations, and is available in GENESIS by setting the argument test=Score.SPA in assocTestSingle. See Dey et al. and Zhou et al. for details on using SPA in GWAS.

# close the GDS file!